Clearwater Counseling Chicago is home to multiple counselors and a Nurse Practitioner. Each provider has their own specializations or area of interests. You can read more about them on their individual pages.

Each provider is either paneled or in the process of becoming paneled on each insurance. Please request a phone consult to discuss the providers and your needs!

Our practice works to be actively anti-racist and anti-discriminatory. It is our policy that there may be times your therapist will need to cancel or reschedule appointments when there are events involving violence against Black and People of Color. We understand it may be frustrating to move your appointment and we believe that policies like this one are essential in creating safe spaces. Additionally, it may not be appropriate to explore your identity with your clinician if there is a difference in power and system of historical oppression. While therapy is absolutely a place to explore yourself and the world, it is not the only place. We have resources for this type of work for our white clients and appreciate being able to care for both our clinicians and clients’ wellbeing.